- 17th August, 2018
- 8 min read
Released Server Info Plugin
WOHO! I finally found the time to work on another major version of my Server Info Plugin which was added on WordPress Repository couple of months ago. Considering the busy professional life, especially when you are the header of the support department of a company, it is quite hard to manage the time.
It is a small WordPress plugin which displays some technical server information useful to some users who might want to update the settings of their hosting which can help improve their website performance. For example, if you want to see which PHP version your site is running on then you will have to log in to your hosting account which may take like 5 – 10 minutes but instead, you can check the PHP version of your website by installing my plugin which takes only 2 minutes to install.
I have improved the overall UI of the plugin’s information page and added some more very useful information including:
- Active Theme
- Active Plugins
- WordPress Debugging
- Database Username
- Database Hostname
- Database Name
- Database Charset
- Database Collation
You can also find this plugin on github.com: https://github.com/usmanaliqureshi/server-info
If you have any suggestions please feel free to post them in the comments.